
Remember back in the day, when you could easily rent out your home by placing an ad in Craigslist or one of the other online rental websites? Or maybe you did a flyer with the cutaway, tear-off, phone number strips at the bottom of the page. All you needed was a halfway decent description, a few pictures, your contact information, and you could sit back and just wait for prospects to roll in.  But times have changed and things are a lot more complicated now. Today the rental housing environment, and rental applicants are far more informed, sophisticated, and discriminative. And the leasing laws have changed dramatically. Choosing and keeping excellent tenants requires professional expertise.

The Condo Connection has placed hundreds of exceptional tenants for our individual, investor, and multifamily landlords, and we've developed proficiency at it. So whether you're a homeowner with 1 home, an investor with several homes, or a landlord with over 100, we'll help you get leased quickly, professionally and right.

Leasing Services provided
  • Market Analysis & Pricing.

  • Property Listing & Marketing.

  • Applicant Screening.

  • Lease Preparation/Signing.

  • Move-in inspection and tenant possession.


Contact us for a free rent estimate & leasing proposal, emailed to you.